Distributing Third-Party Packages with EUPS

This page documents how to make a third-party software package install-able using the eups distrib install command.

Getting Approval

Creating a new third-party package that will be a dependency of the LSST code typically requires an RFC. If the code is to be distributed via eups, as this page describes, the license for the third-party code should be verified and cited in the text of that RFC. The license must be compatible with the license under which we distribute our code, currently GPL3. See this page for a list of compatible licenses.

Creating the Package

Repositories containing third-party packages exist in the LSST GitHub organization. (Unfortunately, it is currently difficult to distinguish between an LSST package and a third-party package: the table file in the lsst_thirdparty package and the documentation on third party software may help.) In order to distribute a new third-party package, someone with administrator privileges will have to create a new repository of this form for you. Make sure that the new repository is accessible by the “DM Externals” and “Overlords” teams as described in Adding a New Package to the Build. Create a development branch on that repository and set it up to distribute the package as described below. You will be able to test the package distribution off of your development branch before you merge to master.

The repository, once created, needs to contain the following directories:


This directory should contain a gzipped tarball of the source code for the third-party package. Literally, that is all it should contain. The code should not be altered from whatever is distributed by the package’s author. Any changes that need to be made to the source code should be done with patches in the patches/ directory. If you are testing out a version that is not a distributed package (e.g. master), you can create the correct type of repository from within a clone of the package with, e.g.:

git archive --format=tar --prefix=astrometry.net-68b1/ HEAD | gzip > astrometry.net-68b1.tar.gz

This directory should contain the packages EUPS table file as well as an optional file eupspkg.cfg.sh which will contain any customized commands for installing the third-party package.


This directory is optional. It contains any patches to the third-party package (which EUPS will apply using the patch command) that are required to make the package work with the stack.

We discuss the contents of ups/ and patches/ in more detail below.


If the root directory of your repository contains any other files (e.g. README, .gitignore, etc) you will need to give special instructions on how to handle them. See the section on Other Files, below.

The ups/ Directory

EUPS Table File

The ups/ directory in your repository must contain an EUPS table file named following the pattern packageName.table. It specifies what other packages your package depends on and environment variables that will be set when you setup your package. Consider the table file for the sphgeom package, sphgeom.table:


envPrepend(PYTHONPATH, ${PRODUCT_DIR}/python)

This tells EUPS that, in order to setup the sphgeom package, it must also setup the packages base, sconsUtils and doxygen. Furthermore, it adds the location of the sphgeom package (stored in the environment variable PRODUCT_DIR at build time) to the environment variables PYTHONPATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH, LSST_LIBRARY_PATH. These three environment variables are usually set for any installed package. We use the pre-defined envPrepend command so that the new PRODUCT_DIR is prepended to the environment variables and does not interfere with the non-stack system of libraries.


eupspkg.cfg.sh is an optional script in the ups/ directory that customizes the installation of your package. Often, EUPS is smart enough to figure out how to install your package just based on the contents of the gzipped tarball in upstream/. Sometimes, however, you will need to pass some additional commands in by hand. A simple version of this can be seen in the eupspkg.cfg.sh for the GalSim package, which passes instructions to the SCons build system using the SCONSFLAGS environment variable:

       PREFIX="$PREFIX" PYPREFIX="$PREFIX"/lib/python                   \

The eupspkg.cfg.sh for the stack-distributed anaconda package is more complicated:

# EupsPkg config file. Sourced by 'eupspkg'

    # Select the apropriate Anaconda distribution
    OS=$(uname -s -m)
    case "$OS" in
        "Linux x86_64")       FN=Anaconda-2.1.0-Linux-x86_64.sh ;;
        "Linux "*)        FN=Anaconda-2.1.0-Linux-x86.sh ;;
        "Darwin x86_64")  FN=Anaconda-2.1.0-MacOSX-x86_64.sh ;;
        *)          die "unsupported OS or architecture ($OS). try installing Anaconda manually."

    # Prefer system curl; user-installed ones sometimes behave oddly
    if [[ -x /usr/bin/curl ]]; then

    "$CURL" -s -L -o installer.sh http://repo.continuum.io/archive/$FN

build() { :; }


    bash installer.sh -b -p "$PREFIX"

    if [[ $(uname -s) = Darwin* ]]; then
        #run install_name_tool on all of the libpythonX.X.dylib dynamic
        #libraries in anaconda
        for entry in $PREFIX/lib/libpython*.dylib
            install_name_tool -id $entry $entry


When EUPS installs a third party package, it does so in five steps:

  1. fetch

  2. prep

  3. config

  4. build

  5. install

The eupspkg.cfg.sh file allows you to customize any or all of these steps for your package. Above, we see that the prep and install steps have been customized for the Anaconda package. More detailed documentation of the purpose and capabilities of the eupspkg.cfg.sh file can be found in the source code file $EUPS_DIR/python/eups/distrib/eupspkg.py.

The patches/ Directory

Sometimes, it will be necessary to change the source code in the gzipped tarball stored in upstream/ to make the package installable and runnable with the stack. If this is necessary, it is done using the patch command, which applies diffs to source code files. For each logical change that needs to be made to the source code (possibly affecting multiple files), generate a patch file by following these instructions:

  1. Untar the tarball you’re trying to patch (e.g., astrometry.net-0.50.tar.gz). It will generate a directory (e.g., astrometry.net-0.50/) with the source.

  2. Make a copy of that directory:

    cp -a astrometry.net-0.50 astrometry.net-0.50.orig
  3. Make any changes you need to the source in astrometry.net-0.50/

  4. Create a patch diff -ru and move it into the patches/ subdirectory:

    diff -ru astrometry.net-0.50.orig astrometry.net-0.50 > blah.patch

EUPS will apply these patches after it unpacks the gzipped tarball in upstream/. Patches are applied in alphabetical order, so it can be useful to start your patches with, e.g. 000-something.patch, 001-somethingelse.patch.


EUPS expects the patches to be in unified format, as generated by the -u option to the diff command.

Other Files

The form of package that has been constructed is referred to by EUPS as a ‘tarball-and-patch’ or ‘TaP’ package. Although these are standard for use in LSST, they are not the only type of package EUPS supports.

When confronted with a source directory, EUPS attempts to determine what sort of package it is dealing with. If it sees any files other than the directories listed above, it concludes that the package in question is not a TaP package.

Often, it is desirable to add other files to the package (for example, README or .gitignore). EUPS will then misidentify the package type, and the build will fail.

To account for this, it is necessary to explicitly flag this as a TaP package. There are two mechanisms for this, depending of the version of EUPS being used. At time of writing, LSST’s Jenkins use a version of EUPS which only supports the now-deprecated mechanism. Therefore, in the interests of future proofing, both:

  1. Add the line TAP_PACKAGE=1 to the top of ups/eupspkg.cfg.sh;

  2. Add an empty file, .tap_package, to the root directory of your package.

Testing the package

If you’ve created a new external package or updated an existing package, you need to test whether the new package builds and works. From within build/yourPackage (add -r to build in the current directory, which is effectively how Jenkins does it, instead using _eupspkg/):

  • rm -r _eupspkg

  • eupspkg -e -v 1 fetch

  • eupspkg -e -v 1 prep

  • eupspkg -e -v 1 config

  • eupspkg -e -v 1 build

  • eupspkg -e -v 1 install

  • setup -r _eupspkg/binary/yourPackage/tickets.DM-NNNN to set up the newly built version.

  • Run your tests.

  • When your local tests pass, git push.

  • See if the stack will build with your branch in Jenkins. For the branch name, specify the branch you created above (i.e. tickets/DM-NNNN), leaving the rest of the fields as they are.

  • Merge to master after Jenkins passes and your changes are reviewed.

Updating the Package

To update the version of your external package after a new upstream release, start with a copy of the LSST stack (installed using the lsstsw tool). Then:

  • Create a ticket for the package update (and/or an RFC, if it may cause more trouble), and note the ticket number NNNN.

  • cd build/yourPackage

  • git checkout -b tickets/DM-NNNN (where NNNN is the ticket number above)

  • git clean -id

  • Download a copy of the tarball from wherever the external package is distributed. Don’t unzip or untar it.

  • git rm the copy of the tarball that is currently in upstream/.

  • Copy the new version of the external tarball into upstream/ and git add it.

  • git commit

Now test your package by following the instructions above.

Distributing the Package

Once the package builds and passes review (or vice-versa), you need to tell eups that it is available for distribution to the wide world. To do this, add an annotated tag to your package repository using:

git tag -a versionNumber -m "Some comment."

The initial versionNumber should match the external package’s version number. If the package does not supply an appropriate version number, one can be generated from an upstream git SHA1 or equivalent version control revision number: use the format 0.N.SHA1, where N is 1 for the first release of the package, 2 for the second, etc. Note that the version number should never start with a letter, as EUPS regards that as semantically significant.

If changes are required to the packaging (in the ups or patches directories) but not the external package source (in the upstream directory), the string .lsst1 (and .lsst2 etc. thereafter) should be appended to the external package’s version number. Merge your changes to master, then push your changes to the remote repository. Push your tags to the remote repository using:

git push --tags

Now you must log onto lsst-dev as the user lsstsw (this will require special permissions): see the documentation on using this machine. Once logged in as lsstsw, the steps are:

  • Build your package with the command:

    rebuild yourPackage

    This will cause lsst-dev to build your package and all of its dependencies. This build will be assigned a build number formatted as bNNN``

  • Once the build is complete, release it to the world using:

    publish -b bNNN yourPackage

    This will make your package installable using:

    eups distrib install yourPackage versionNumber

    If you wish to add a distribution server tag to your package, you can do so by changing the publish command to:

    publish -b bNNN -t yourTag yourPackage


    Do not use the tag ‘current’ as that will overwrite all other packages marked as current and break the stack. Let the people in charge of official releases handle marking things as ‘current.’ it is not usually necessary to distribution-server-tag a particular third party package.

  • Generally, if you’re publishing a third party package, it should be because it is a dependency in the build of some (or all) top-level package(s). When the top-level package(s) are next published (and optionally tagged), your new package will be incorporated. If you need something sooner, you can do this publishing yourself using the steps above with the top-level package. In this case, a distribution-server-tag (something like qserv-dev) is usually desirable. That makes the top-level product (or any of its dependency components, including your third-party package) installable using:

    eups distrib install -t yourTag packageName

Announcing the Package

Any new packages, major version upgrades, or other breaking changes to third-party package versions should be announced in the DM Notifications category of community.lsst.org.

For upgrades to third-party packages with headers we build against, this should include a note that source packages should be cleaned and recompiled after the upgrade, because SCons/sconsUtils will not automatically detect changes in third-party headers.