Python Command Line Interfaces

Command line interfaces in Python may be implemented using the argparse module or using Click.

Command Line Interfaces using Click

Click is a Python package for creating command line interfaces in a composable way. It supports:

  • arbitrary nesting of commands
  • automatic help page generation
  • lazy loading of subcommands at runtime

Click has good documentation including a quickstart guide.

Callable CLI Command

To create a callable command e.g. $ butler ..., at the top level of your package create a folder called bin.src, it should contain two files:

  1. SConscript with contents:
# -*- python -*-
from lsst.sconsUtils import scripts
  1. A file that has the name of the CLI command the user will call. This file should contain as little implementation as possible, it should import an implementation file and call a function in it. For example:
import sys
from lsst.daf.butler.cli.butler import main

if __name__ == '__main__':

All implementation should be placed in a folder called cli (“command line interface”) under <package name>/python/lsst/package/name/cli, and the implementation of the command should go in a file in cli, e.g. cli/

  • CLI utilities should go a in a file cli/

Click Command

Commands are like the subcommand pull in git pull. They are implemented as functions, and declared by decorating the function with @click.command

 def pull():

Commands that can be executed by the top-level script should go in a cmd folder inside cli, e.g. python/lsst/package/name/cli/cmd/

Click Options

Options are like the -a and the -m <msg> in git commit -a -m <msg>. They are declared by adding decorators to Command functions.

 @click.option(-a, --all, is_flag=True)
 @click.option(-m, --message)
 def commit(all, message):

Shared Options

Options can be shared and should be used to improve consistency and reduce code duplication. To maximize reusability, shared Options should be placed in a package that is as high in the dependcy tree as is reasonable for that option. By convention the option should go in its own file at python/lsst/package/name/cli/opt/<option_name>.py.

Two common ways to create a shared option are:

  1. Use a function to return an option decorator with preset values:
 def all_option(f):
     return click.option("-a", "--all",
                         help="Tell the command to automatically stage files that have been modified and "
                         "deleted, but new files you have not told Git about are not affected."'")(f)
  1. Use a class to accept values to pass to the click option:
 class message_option:  # noqa: N801
     def __init__(self, help=None): = "help if help is not None else "Use the given <msg> as the commit message. If "
                     "multiple -m options are given, their values are concatenated as separate paragraphs."

     def __call__(self, f):
         return click.option("-m", "--message",

These optons can be used like so:

from ..opt import all_option, message_option

@message_option(help="My help message.")
def commit(message):
Why noqa: N801?

The PEP8 section on class names says class names should use the CapWords convention, but for a decorator this is unexpected. Consider the above example using CapsWords:

@MessageOption(help="My help message.")
def commit(message):

Using lowercase and underscores instead of CapWords results in more consistent decorator naming.

Click Arguments

Arguments are unnamed parameters like my_branch in git checkout my_branch.

Shared Arguments

Arguments can be shared, similar to options, and by convention should go in separate files under arg, like python/lsst/package/name/cli/arg/<arg_name>.py.


Use hypens for the cli invocation. Use underscores for the implementation. TODO flesh out.

## Section for Butler scripts ##

Commands are imported by the top-level butler script.

daf_butler has a top-level script that imports commands. TODO explain DAF_BUTLER_PLUGINS and to put the path to the cmd folder, and to make those commands available by the __init__.__all__ in that folder.

## WTD for non-Click scripts? ## (b/c I don’t know anything about them)