Using the lsst-login Servers

The following login nodes are run by NCSA for access to select Rubin Observatory development resources at NCSA:


To get an account, see the Onboarding Checklist.

This page is designed to assist developers in the use of the lsst-login servers:

  1. Overview
  2. Connecting and Authenticating
  3. Forwarding and Proxying
  4. Common Software Available


The lsst-login servers are primarily intended as bastions used to access other resources at NCSA. Additional capabilities include:

  • light development with short-running processes that require modest resources (e.g., building docs, short compilations against LSST software stack)
  • view files (e.g., FITS files)

Users are encouraged to submit batch jobs to perform work that requires more significant resources. Please see Using the Rubin Batch Systems for more information.

The lsst-login nodes have access to the LDF file systems.

For system status and issues:

Connecting and Authenticating

You can log into Rubin Observatory development servers at NCSA with your NCSA account as follows:

  • NCSA username and password OR valid NCSA Kerberos ticket, AND
  • NCSA Duo authentication

You can reset your NCSA password at the following URL:

Information on setting up NCSA Duo is available at the following URL:


SSH public-key authentication is not allowed on the lsst-login nodes.

Only password (keyboard-interactive) and Kerberos (gssapi) authentication are allowed via SSH on the lsst-login nodes.

SSH With Kerberos

If you are using OpenSSH on your local machine and you wish to use Kerberos from your local machine (instead of entering your password on the login node), you could add something like this to your local ~/.ssh/config file:

GSSAPIAuthentication yes
PreferredAuthentications gssapi-with-mic,keyboard-interactive,password

The Kerberos domain for the lsst-login servers is NCSA.EDU, so something like this may work to generate a Kerberos ticket on your local machine:

kinit -l 25h -r 7d username@NCSA.EDU

# you may get an error like this: 'kinit: Cannot find KDC for realm "NCSA.EDU" while getting initial credentials';
# if that's the case, the Kerberos config on the local machine may need to be updated with 'dns_lookup_kdc = true'

# On a Mac, your Kerberos password may be saved in your keychain.
# Use /usr/bin/kinit (instead of any conda kinit you may have in your path) and specify "--keychain" to save.


Kerberos Tickets Expire

  • Your Kerberos ticket on your local machine will expire (by default 10 hours but up to 25 hours after initially granted with the -l option shown above) and need to be renewed, which you can do with kinit -R.
  • If your local ticket expires before you renew it, you will have to kinit (and authenticate with your password) to create a new ticket.
  • You can see when your ticket will expire with klist.

OpenSSH Jump Host

You may wish to use an lsst-login node as a “jump host” (a gateway to an interior node). If you are using OpenSSH on your local machine, you can do this as follows:

   User ncsausername

When using an lsst-login node as a “jump host” you may also wish to configure port forwarding through the lsst-login node to the internal cluster node. To do that, you can include something like this in your OpenSSH config file:

   User ncsausername
   DynamicForward yourportnumber

Reusing SSH Connections

You may also wish to share a single connection to/through an lsst-login node. This allows you to authenticate to the login node once and reuse that initial connection to make additional connections without authenticating again. If you are using OpenSSH on your local machine, this is done with a ControlMaster socket. See, for example, OpenSSH Cookbook - Multiplexing.

SSH Config Example

A relatively complete ~/.ssh/config “recipe” for streamlining your SSH connections (assuming OpenSSH, e.g., on Linux or macOS) through the lsst-login nodes might look like this:

# Set common config for the lsst-login nodes
Host lsst-login*
   # if your account on your local workstation/laptop does not match your LSST username, indicate the latter should be used;
   # substitute your own NCSA username
   User ncsausername
   # allow use of a Kerberos ticket on your local machine for auth to LSST machines
   GSSAPIAuthentication yes
   # prefer Kerberos ticket auth, amongst other possibilities (order/include others as desired)
   PreferredAuthentications gssapi-with-mic,keyboard-interactive,password
   # forward your local Kerberos ticket to the login node if you need to continue to another LSST server after the login
   GSSAPIDelegateCredentials yes
   # configure OpenSSH Control Master "multiplexing" (to allow reuse of an initial connection)
   ControlMaster auto
   ControlPath ~/.ssh/cm_socket_%r@%h:%p
   ControlPersist 5m

# Define aliases onto full hostnames for each login node
Host lsst-login01
Host lsst-login02
Host lsst-login03

# Define an alias and config for an internal node, which can only be reached through a login node
Host lsst-devl01
   # you may need to specify your NCSA username again
   User ncsausername
   # when connecting to this internal host, tunnel/jump through a login node (using the alias you defined above)
   ProxyJump lsst-login01
   # if you want to use your local Kerberos ticket to authenticate on the interior node, configure that:
   GSSAPIAuthentication yes
   PreferredAuthentications gssapi-with-mic
   # if the internal node is a batch submit node where you might want a Kerberos ticket (e.g., to
   # submit jobs to HTCondor), you can choose to forward your credentials:
   GSSAPIDelegateCredentials yes
   # if you need to configure port forwarding to the internal node, you can do that here;
   # substitute your actual port number
   DynamicForward yourportnumber

With such config in ~/.ssh/config on your local machine, your SSH connections can be significantly streamlined. Your experience may look like this:

  1. Your first connection attempt involves typing your password once on your local machine, along with a Duo push for the login node. There’s no need to type your password on the login node or the internal node due to GSSAPI authentication. Your local Kerberos ticket is forwarded into your session on the internal node:
localuser@localmachine ~ % kinit ncsauser@NCSA.EDU
ncsauser@NCSA.EDU's password:
localuser@localmachine ~ % ssh lsst-devl01
Duo two-factor login for ncsauser

Enter a passcode or select one of the following options:

 1. Duo Push to XXX-XXX-####

Passcode or option (1-1): 1
Last login: Fri Aug 14 15:06:35 2020 from (
  OS: CentOS 7.8.2003   HW: Dell   CPU: 24x 2.60GHz   RAM: 252 GB
  Site: ncsa  DC: npcf  Cluster: condor_dac  Role: condor_submit
[ncsauser@lsst-devl01 ~]$ klist
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_11111_OrKJ2p97xr
Default principal: ncsauser@NCSA.EDU

Valid starting       Expires              Service principal
08/14/2020 15:06:12  08/15/2020 01:05:59  krbtgt/NCSA.EDU@NCSA.EDU
[ncsauser@lsst-devl01 ~]$
  1. In a 2nd terminal window, you can connect again without any need to authenticate whatsoever (thanks to your ControlMaster config):
localuser@localmachine ~ % ssh lsst-devl01
Last login: Fri Aug 14 15:07:34 2020 from (
  OS: CentOS 7.8.2003   HW: Dell   CPU: 24x 2.60GHz   RAM: 252 GB
  Site: ncsa  DC: npcf  Cluster: condor_dac  Role: condor_submit
[ncsauser@lsst-devl01 ~]$
  1. Your control master connection will persist in the background after your initial client connection terminates, according to the value of ControlPersist. To terminate your control master connection immediately, do the following on your local machine:
localuser@localmachine ~ % ssh -O exit lsst-login03
Exit request sent.
localuser@localmachine ~ %

NOTE: This will break all connections in any terminal that depends on this master connection, e.g.:

[ncsauser@lsst-devl01 ~]$ client_loop: send disconnect: Broken pipe
localuser@localmachine ~ %


More tips on working Kerberos tickets and OpenSSH ControlMaster

  • Your Kerberos ticket on your local machine will occasionally need to be renewed, which you can do with kinit -R.
  • Renewing the ticket on your local machine will not generally renew any tickets you have forwarded to remote machines. (NOTE: OpenSSH has a GSSAPIRenewalForcesRekey option that will cascade your ticket renewals out wherever you have forwarded them, however it is not implemented on all platforms, e.g. macOS.)
  • The example above shows that you can request a ticket with a maximum lifetime (25 hours) and maximum renewable life time (7 days), again, kinit -l 25h -r 7d ....
  • If your local ticket expires before you renew it, you will have to kinit (and authenticate with your password) to create a new ticket.

Forwarding and Proxying

Forwarding via SSH (SSH tunneling) creates a secure connection between a local computer and a remote machine through which services can be relayed. Below are 3 common ways to interactively forward through lsst-login nodes with SSH. (See Connecting and Authenticating for ways to make these persistent with your local SSH configuration.)

Local Port Forwarding

With local port forwarding, connections from the SSH client are forwarded via the SSH server, then to a destination server. Local port forwarding lets you bypass a firewall, presuming you have SSH access.

For example, if you have a notebook running on port 8555 of, you can local port forward to it with OpenSSH as follows:

ssh -L 8555:localhost:8555 -J

The -J parameter specifies a jump host which has SSH access to the destination server.

localhost:8555 is used in this example because the port is not open in’s firewall.

Then, you could open http://localhost:8555/ in your local web browser to access the notebook.

Dynamic Port Forwarding (SOCKS Proxy)

Dynamic port forwarding turns your SSH client into a SOCKS proxy server, allowing programs to request any internet connection through that proxy server.

You can use a lsst-login node as your proxy server with the following OpenSSH command:

ssh -D 8090

Or, set your proxy to be from a host within a cluster by specifying a lsst-login node as a jump host:

ssh -D 8090 -J

Then, setup your software (e.g. a browser or network stack) to use localhost:8090 as your SOCKS proxy. This allows you to connect like you are connecting from the remote host at NCSA.

With the above example, you could open on your computer, proxying through

X11 Forwarding

X11 forwarding lets you forward X11 applications over SSH. The following example uses a lsst-login node as a jump host to run the xeyes application from

ssh -Y -J xeyes

Common Software Available

Refer to Software Common to LDF Servers for more details about software available for use on lsst-login nodes.