Onboarding Checklist

Welcome to Data Management. This page gives you an overview of the accounts you’ll have as a member of DM.


Some things you can set up yourself, but many accounts require action by your manager. We’ve given them a handy Checklist for T/CAMs at the bottom.

LSST account

Your manager — or T/CAM, in LSST jargon — will request a single sign-on account for you. This gives you access to:

You can always update or reset your LSST password at https://pwdreset.lsst.org/

Finally, read over the LSST Project’s New Employee Onboarding page. That will get you up to speed with the LSST Project; the rest of this page is specific to DM.

Data Facility resources

You’ll also need an account for the US Data Facility services, hosted at SLAC, which include:

You must sign up for this account separately via this procedure.

GitHub and LSST organizations

If you don’t have one already, create an account on https://github.com.

Next, ask your T/CAM to add you to the lsst and lsst-dm GitHub organizations, along with any relevant team organizations (send your GitHub username to your T/CAM).

See also


https://community.lsst.org is LSST’s public-facing discussion and support forum. Browse the forum-howto tag to learn how to use the platform.

Create an account, and let your T/CAM know your username to get access to internal discussion categories.


Slack is LSST’s real-time chat platform. It is used across the project and by external science collaborations. Please be aware of our guidance on Providing Support to the Community when interacting with the latter.

Ask your T/CAM for access to the ‘lsstc’ Slack team. You can access it online at https://lsstc.slack.com, and through Slack’s mobile and desktop apps. Slack’s online help is a great way to learn Slack’s features.

Be sure to link your GitHub profile to your Slack account so that our Slack integrations will work correctly.

Channels set up specifically for Data Management related discussion have a ‘dm-’ prefix. Some important channels are:

Your team may also have specific channels, and you can send private messages to individuals.

Mailing lists

We don’t use mailing lists for conversations, but they’re still used for notifications about RFCs and conversations happening on https://community.lsst.org. You will automatically be be subscribed to these lists as soon as you get an LSST acccount:


Important DM meetings are listed on this Google Calendar, to which you may wish to subscribe. More information is available about the various DM Calendars which are available.

Checklist for hires

In summary, here are the things you can do to get started:

  1. Send a profile photo to your T/CAM for our team page.

  2. Send your GitHub username to your T/CAM.

  3. Send your https://community.lsst.org username to your T/CAM.

  4. Follow emailed directions to set up your LSST account (including email), SLAC account, and Slack account.

Further steps

While you’re waiting on your accounts, here are some additional steps to help smooth your entry into the Rubin Observatory software team:

Checklist for T/CAMs


Here’s what T/CAMs need to do to get their new hire started:

  1. Fill out the Project onboarding form.

    • There’s no need to upload a photo to DocuShare, see the next step instead.

    • Under “User should belong to which Mailing Lists,” add dm-devel and dm-announce. IT automatically adds DM hires to dm-staff.

  2. Ask your new hire for a profile photo and add it to https://confluence.lsstcorp.org/display/DM/The+Team.

  3. Add the new hire to the DM Team Google spreadsheet with time allocation information.

  4. Add the hire as a member of the ‘Data Management’ team in each these GitHub organizations:

  5. Add the hire as a member of these Community forum groups:

  6. Give the hire’s email address to a Slack administrator: @brianv0, @jonathansick, and @frossie, can make Slack accounts.

You must inform your new hire that they need to follow the SLAC Onboarding Procedure.


When a member of your staff leaves the project, they can end up in one of two states:


An offboarded member of staff loses access to all LSST services. They retain builder status if they have accrued enough time with the project. To transition a member of staff to this status, fill out the offboarding form and ensure they are set to 0% contribution in the team spreadsheet. Remove the individual from GitHub organizations, teams, and repos.


“Friendly” individuals are no longer on the LSST payroll, but continue to collaborate with the project. As such, they retain access to services such as Jira, Confluence, etc. However, they will be removed from the dm-staff mailing list. Do not fill out an offboarding form for friendlies. Instead, simply set their contribution to 0% in the spreadsheet and send an e-mail to the DM Admin to let her know. Refer to Document-27073 for more information on friendly status. Consider changing the individual’s GitHub status to “collaborator”.

In addition, the LSST Communications Team request that you notify the dm-staff mailing list of any departures from your team following the template in Document-26947.

Checklist for the DM Admin

Here’s what the awesome DM admin does:

  1. After the onboarding form is received, send a welcome email to the hire with bullet points about the travel profile, Google calendar access, ContactDB info, and other miscellaneous project into. CC this to the supervisor.

  2. Add a photo to the DM staff gallery, if not already done by the T/CAM.

  3. Notify the LSST Digest editor and travel administrator.

  4. Provide Google calendar access to DM Meetings and DM Travel/Vacation (for DMLT members only).

For details on LSST IT’s account onboarding procedures, see Account Management in the IT Support Confluence.